10 March 2008


After waiting and longing for a date day since December we finally got one this past Saturday (THANK YOU Amy and Josh!). December 15th was our last date day...which we spent finishing our Christmas shopping. This was definitely not our favorite way to spend a day without our kids but we did enjoy being able spend the day thinking about Christmas and how our kids (and us too) would spend and relish it! On that day we began to plan for our next date day...we wanted to snowshoe. It was one of our favorite memories from the days we lived in Colorado Springs 10 years ago.

We were supposed to have our next date day on February 16th...we weren't sure how we would spend the day since our entertainment had to be free (because of Mark's work situation). But, about a week before our scheduled date day a lovely soul gave us some unexpected "date-only" cash. We both lit up when we realized this meant we could rent snow-shoes and still enjoy the day we had long been anticipating. On Tuesday, at MOPS, I shared this lovely news of some "date-only" money with a new friend and she says "You don't have to rent shoe-shoes, we own some and you can use ours and then you can use your date money for something else!" (Lovely!) On Wednesday (3 days before our date)...the "rot" hits our house as it had already hit the Denglers and our date day is canceled! Bummer...

So, we reschedule for March 8th...and it could not have been a more glorious and needed day. We find such "room" on these days.

bouldering above and around Lily Lake
a sweetheart moment in front of Estes Cone/Long's Peak
ice booting (what you do without skates) on Lily Lake
on the trail
part of the storm that rolled in on our decent

We came across this quote during our day in the wild. It wove itself into our very souls as we spent the day in conversation and companionship. And it haunts us even now. Somehow we feel our hearts beat along with his...

"Within National Parks is room--glorious room--room in which to find ourselves, in which to think and hope, to dream and plan, to rest and resolve." Enos Mills



Blogger mentorman said...

...loved the pics

...love each one of you!

March 10, 2008 at 5:37 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Hi Lorrie, I'm so glad you got to spend such a wonderful day with Mark! I love seeing how much you two enjoy one another. It's an encouragement to Patrick and me!

March 12, 2008 at 12:28 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

Your pictures made me feel like I participated. But then, you don't want your mom along on a date. Ha!

Appreciated the thoughts about "room."

March 15, 2008 at 5:59 PM  

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