29 August 2007

Meeting New People

I had a great experience yesterday - I met a new person.
I guess I have done quite a bit of that recently, but this was different.

When Mark was at orientation last Friday he stopped by the area for seminary wives and spoke with a gal there - gave her my name and contact information. That evening Megan called me at home and said she wanted to get together to get to know me a little bit. We decided to meet at the park yesterday. She has a little girl - Noelle - who is just a bit older than Ethan.

I had my first moment of panic right after I hung up. "What have I done?" For some reason there is a small part of me that would rather not meet anyone new. But, how am I supposed to make friends if I don't? Anyway, my second moment of panic was Tuesday morning when the phone rang at 7:45 and it was Megan. I thought she was going to cancel. (Ok, I know this doesn't make sense because panic moment #1 and panic moment #2 are completely opposite, but you know how the heart is - not always rational.) Panic moment #3 came when I was on my way to the park and realized I had given her the wrong directions (why am I giving directions??), have no idea what she looks like or what kind of vehicle she drives and no way of contacting her. I felt sick!

God does care about the details of my life (and my kids too)...
I parked the van and said, "Lord Jesus, I cannot do anything about this. I kind of don't want to meet this gal and I kind of really want to meet this gal. You can make sure she finds this place. Can you please help?" I sat for a moment and then we headed over to the playground. It was down a little path so we had a little walk. As we neared a turn in the path up drives a blue van with the window rolling down and a gal saying, "Are you Lorrie?" Thank you Jesus.

And what a blessing it was, we all had a very nice morning. Ethan and Noelle had a great time playing pirates and ship's captains. It was SO nice to have an adult, mommy conversation. And we found that we had quite a few things in common.

Later in the afternoon, Megan called to give me some directions to a splash pad I was looking for. We ended up talking for about a half hour. She might be meeting us at the splash pad tomorrow and is probably going to help me get together a "curriculum" for Ethan and I to do pre-school at home. She is a teacher in waiting (used to be a teacher before kids, waiting for her youngest to start school so she can teach again). God has already used her to be a blessing to me and my family.

I don't know if Megan and I will become friends or not. I am not too worried about it. I trust that God has already picked out for me the relationships I need to grow and be grown by. As a good friend encouraged us, "the kind of people you want as friends are looking for you too." I am really looking forward to being found.

Resolution: I like meeting new people!

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Blogger Toni said...

Hi Lolly,
I can totally relate! I would have the same warring emotions...and Satan loves to use them to keep me inactive. Way to go on working through that discomfort!
P.S. You're doing a FANTASTIC job on the blog...I love it!!! I cn'at wait for the next post!

August 30, 2007 at 11:48 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

That's so neat, Lorrie! By the way, what in the world is a 'splash pad'?

August 31, 2007 at 7:47 AM  

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