my first
He had been working on a saving project for some time. He had his eye on the "Big Bad Bow" (when you read it you have to lower your voice and pretend you are the big bad wolf). Nerf has taken over our home since the beginning of the year and true to form Ethan's interest was in the bow/arrow version. He was $1 away from his goal and his shrewd little brother gave him the last dollar. Can you tell he was pleased...
Ethan isn't too fond of losing his teeth. Actually, he enjoys the tooth fairy party ALOT. But, he can't stand having someone mess around in his mouth (which is actually a hobby of his momma's so it creates some tension)...not even himself. His front teeth have been loose since November of last year. One of them was far more out then in...
it took some encouragement from Daddy's magic tooth-pulling washcloth...
And probably most importantly to him...he turned 7 years old (impossible!).
He chose a Wilderness Explorer's Campout (named by Ethan himself) as the way he wanted to celebrate his birthday. Of course, in a 6 year old - soon to be 7 year old - boy's mind, this could involve NO girls! So, he had his cousin, a buddy from church, a buddy from school and his ever present buddy - Owen and the girls took off to Aunt Amy's. Fun was had by all...
Oh, and apparently, when you turn seven you need to start shaving but you still want to take baths.